Monday, January 24, 2011

small branch and a baptism


Sorry about last week i wrote to Alison instead and that took most of my one hour email time.

Hmm I always sit down at the computer thinking i have lots to say. It seems though as soon as i start typing i blank and forget everything i was planning on writing. I'm going to brainstorm before my next email but for the moment you'll just have to put up with my possible rambling. Cool stuff happened this week i promise!

I'll start with the best thing that happened. We had a BAPTISM!!! His name is Ronnie. Ronnie has lived in Bicknill his whole life. He has never been interested in the church until a few months ago. we met him and taught him the lessons and he agreed to baptism the first time we taught him. He was definitely prepared. It was neat cause at his baptism people came up to us and would say things like "we have been waiting for this for years" and "he needed this 20 years ago." We couldn't believe it cause he was prepared and was so ready. His journey took awhile but the important thing is that it happend. He finally was ready to take that first step.

Yesterday was interesting. Loa stake covers all of wayne county that includes about 6 wards and a branch. Yesterday we got to visit the small branch of Ticaboo. It right ion the edge of lake powell which is a big tourist location. This branch in the winter has about 5 to 11 people and in the summer it's a full house. There was 11 people there yesterday including Elder Lora and me and the people who took us. It was cool it reminded me of Alison's mission farewell in Banff. Ticaboo is a 2 hour drive but it was awesome to visit a small branch. We got to bless sacrament i miss doing that.

Alright sorry if this letter was boring but i'm having fun i promise

143 Family
The Church is true
Elder Ian Dyer

ps there is a nonmember sitting at the computer beside me... wish me luck haha

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